
Maria Robotnik - Fan continuity

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As Gerald expressed his grudge toward the agents diploid by G.U.N, Maria managed to limp her way out the scene and toward one of the Ark’s corridors in Sector B to find medication to heal her wound. It tore her apart tremendously, and she ached to let out a cry, but being heard by the intruders was the last thing she wanted to happen. She soon found the healing room where Gerald’s Robiotics held in alphabetical order on the top shelves. She was hesitant to use any more input on her upper body because of the pain she was intensely suffering with. There was no time left, it was either going to be goodbye, or a way to be with Shadow again. She inched her way toward the nearest chair in the room and put it against the table against the wall beneath her target Robiotic. She used the chair to boost her way upon the table, and reached her hand toward the aligned Robiotics in rows along the wall. She grabbed the medication, and immediately engulfed what was contained in the bottle, then slowly climbed down onto the chair and then on ground.

It was enough to completely heal her wound, and her instincts remarkably told her to pull out the bullet before it was sealed inside her body. The pain of the removal was tad thanks to the Robiotic’s healing productivity. Despite healing her wound, she was still fighting against NIDS, and felt her Immune system weakening by the reminder of it. She left the room and back into the corridor. Now her intentions were to escape the premises without having the intruders trace her steps, but how so? Her only option was to check each room in regards to a possible transportation device. While diving deeper within the corridor, she suddenly heard a voice, “You may kill me colonel, but not even the grave will-” The words slowly faded from there. “Grandfather!” she whispered. She tore apart and shed tears as they poured down her cheeks. She tried not to fret, and continued searching for an escape route. Soon enough she made it to the end of the hallway and took the door that branched out of the corridor, and there lying in front of her was A hidden escape pod.

She entered and activated the pod, and at a brisk pace she launched toward Earth. On her way down, she found herself latching onto her chest, gasping for air. It wasn’t long until this disease would seriously harm her, or better yet, the inevitability of killing her. She soon crash landed on Earth, somewhere deep within the grand canyons surrounded by mountains and brown rocky pillar. When the latch opened, she immediately sprung out and landed on her knees, still panting and clutching onto her chest, and then starting to cough immensely. Her only choices were to stay put or find safety and shelter elsewhere. There was nothing but the glares of light brown sedimentary rock surrounding her within the canyons, and not a sign of water or grounded living beings were near. “If only I packed an extra pair of clothing.” She said, as her dress appeared to be damaged and felt uncomfortable to work through among the rocky and nerve rackingly settled area she was in. Nothing but the sounds of birds flying among the skies were heard, but along her path were vast amounts of pillars not so spread apart which leaves a possibility of a sneaky predator. As she attempted to hike her way through the canyons, she suddenly heard loud footsteps, but had no idea where it came from, as they only appeared as echoes. She looked both ways, then behind, and then all around, but nothing appeared before her. She peaked around a few large pillars nearby that continued intruding her path, but so far there was nothing. She took a deep breath and continued walking forward.

Suddenly, her eyelids catapulted open as she felt deep dark breathes blowing across her shoulder. She slowly turned around, and what appeared before her was a tall dark skinned looking anthropomorphic being, wielding a large sword on his back. “You look lost.” Maria was frightened by the sighting, and shook in fear. She immediately took steps back, and the strange creature slowly followed her, but her trail came to an end as she bumped her back against one of the pillars, and was trapped. “Please don’t hurt me!” She yelled. The creature reached his hand forward toward her shoulder, and grasped onto it firmly. “The name is Riot; I’m here to guide you.” It said. Maria felt hesitant, and the looks of its widened green pupil-less eyes glaring directly toward her face frightened her. It had a pale look on its face, and still held his right hand on her left shoulder, staring into her eyes, as his black and red cape waved through the wind. It seemed to also wear armor on its legs and body, with only its face and a bit of the torso showing its blackish greenish scaly looking skin. “Just what are you?” She said. She felt a stronger grasp on her shoulder. “Ouch! That hurts! Let me go!” She yelled. She tried to shake her way out of it, but his grapple was too strong. Soon it the pain grew, and grew, and then it spread around her body, like fluids of pain were running rapidly down her veins. She began screaming and screaming, as her veins began to pop out and show visibility on her neck, “STOP IT PLEASE! IT HURTS!” She screamed. She forced her eyes open to get another glance at Riot, and noticed that he was slowly beginning to fade away, until… he was completely gone.

The pain was slowly decreasing, and Maria fell on her knees in exhaustion. This time she wasn’t grasping her chest, just panting from the tension. Momentarily she picked herself up and noticed something completely different in a sense, but it confused her because she felt extremely healthy just minutes after all the circumstances. “What I’ve just embedded into your weak human body is my genetics. I’m pretty sure that’s what you wanted to know huh?” the edgy voice spoke within her mind, “Riot?! Is that you? What did you do to me?” Maria said. “I’ll explain as we proceed. It’s not too important right now.” Maria then heard excessive noises near her premise, sounds that resembled loud barking noises. She stood up high and looked around immediately, and spotted herds of wolfs at every corner. “Oh no, they might have heard my yells!” Maria said. “Since you have no idea how to use my newly integrated abilities, I’ll guide ya!”

Her body unintentionally began moving on its own, and swiftly ran behind the pillar she was leaning against. The wolves immediately followed her. As she ran, she crossed each pillar in mere sight, to confuse the hounds and exponentially slow them down. Maria was shocked by her movements, “Wow, I’ve never moved this fast before on foot!” “This is just the start, watch this!” Riot added. The wolves were still on her tail, and for some reason she stopped running and stood in place. “Riot, what are you doing?” She bent down with her arms stretched out to her sides at an angle, as if she was getting ready to jump. The hounds were getting near, and she panicked, “Why aren’t we moving!?...” she hesitantly thought. “And… GO!” She suddenly launched herself extremely high above the canyon grounds, leaving a wide radius of debris enough to stop the wolves dead in their tracks, and have them cringe and pull back by impact. Maria was rather fearful, instead of admiring the fact that she got away safely, well somewhat safe anyway, “Oh my goodness! Please get me down on the ground right now! I beg you!” She said, “Ha, scared of heights are we? You’re going to be a tough one to work with, but it’s alright. I’ll get you down once we’re near the city, which won’t be long considering the speeds we’ve reached.” Riot insisted as he lead Maria leaping from pillar to pillar, “But what I would worry about is getting some new style” As he was clearly referring to her damaged and uncomfortable blue dress. “Hey! It was far more admirable before this massacre happened!”
I did a good amount of research on everything that went down during the Ark invasion. Nothing explains where her body went off to after being shot, it was like she just disappeared afterwards. So I took advantage of that, and wrote this fan continuity very carefully. If you have any questions or have complains, please let me know in the comment section. It really helps!

Note: This will tie into my full Fan Fiction, Beyond The Shadows (Shadow The Hedgehog).
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Yeah, I agree! Very nice job :)